Top 10 Tricks to Score Good Marks in Board Exam

Board Exam Tips– Do you want to know how to score good marks in board exam? If yes, learn these top 10 tips to score good marks in board exam.

Good marks in the board exam are the dream of all students. Thus one of the common questions of all students is how to score good marks in board exam. So we have decided to share the top 10 tricks to score more than 90% marks in 10th and 12th board exam.

We all know board examination is one of the most important parts of student life. To score good marks in the board exam is highly necessary as it decides the profession and career of the student.

Every year millions of student appear for the board examination in 10th and 12th standard. However, only a few of them able to score more than 90% marks in the board exam.

How do they score good marks in board exam?

The secret is they do the best preparation of board exam. Nowadays students are also reading websites for self-education for extra knowledge. Besides that, they also get prepare from online exam preparation sites after completion of syllabus. These things are making the competition very tough in board exam.

Don’t worry, you can also score high marks in your board exams if you do best board exam preparation.

I was also one of the toppers of my school and I still remember those days when our toppers group starts the preparation of board exam. Our first target was making to finish the book syllabus and then revise it properly. There are so many other things to get good marks in 10th and 12th board exams which I am going to share in this post.

Top 10 Tricks to Score Good Marks in Board Exam

Top 10 Tricks to Score Good Marks in Board Exam

10. Study with focus, understanding, and motivation

No, any student can top the board exam until or unless there is no precise focus and motivation. Talk to some sincere students who have already scored good marks in the board exam, you will notice that they are really focused towards their study. And there will be some motivation behind that focus. You also try to find out your vision and why of study which will keep you always motivated and focused towards your study.

Once you find out “why” you need to study, nobody can stop you to score high marks in any exam of your entire career. Your’s why to study can include the dream of getting a government job, to be a Businessman, Politician, Journalist, IAS, IPS, Engineer, Doctor, etc. Everything needs a certain qualification and good knowledge of your targeted field. Once you will have clarity with this, you will automatically have the best preparation of board exam and then the result will be in your favor.

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9. Practice by writing

The best way to keep remember anything is to practice with writing again and again. There are some subjects which you can not understand and resolve without writing. For instance, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Accounts, Business, etc. are some subjects which need writing & practice.

Only reading is not enough to score in these subjects. Most of the students want to know how to score good marks in maths, practice with writing is the best method. How more question you will resolve, more you will be an expert in that subject. And this is one of the best exam preparation tips in board examination whether it is the 10th board or 12th board exam.

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8. Ask your seniors

There is a proverb that smart person is one who learns from his own mistake but smarter is that one who learns from others mistake. So, seniors are the best source to know about board exam tips. Try to know from them what precautions are really needed to be taken in the board examination. How you can cover all questions in a certain period of time and what are the tricks to answer different marks of question.

This is an art to write the answer to all question as mostly students even don’t get touch all question. Besides that also try to know from them how to prepare for board exams and get good marks.

7. Ask your teacher

Teachers are the biggest guide for students. They make the future and life of the students. Nobody can advise you better than your teacher. Ask them sir/madam how to prepare for board exams so that I will get good marks in board examination. I am sure, they will give you the best suggestions and you need to follow it exactly. Ask them which is the best sample papers to read and resolve after book syllabus completion.

Whether you are going to give the 10th board exam or 12th board exam, every exam tips given by your teachers is worth implementing. If you have any type of stress related to anything, feel free to share with your teacher, they will surely help you. Mark my words, if you will be in depression, you are not going to score good marks in the exam. Meanwhile, free mind is necessary in order to focus to prepare for board exams.

6. Early morning study

The best time to study is early morning. Whatever you learn in the early morning, it sticks in the mind. If you will ask your elders, everybody will advise you for the early morning study. This is one of the best study tips for exams and getting good marks in board examination.

According to me, early morning is the best time to resolve the maths question as at that time our mind used to be free. So, if you want to know how to score good marks in maths, my suggestion is to wake up early morning at 5 AM and study.

5. Solve sample papers

This is one of the best exam preparation tips which I got from my seniors and teachers. Sample papers are the best ideas of board exam question paper on the basis of past board examination. Try to read and solve all subject’s sample paper as much as possible. How more you will read and practice sample paper, more you will be familiar with the solving tricks of board exam’s questions.

But remember first of all you have to finish your respective board syllabus and then you have to start reading and practicing sample papers. Try to know the best sample papers from your seniors and teachers so that you will precisely prepare for board exams.

4. Solve last 10 years question papers of board exam

This is my personal observation that there are few questions which keeps repeat in board exams. Yes, the question may not be exactly the same words but the answer to the question will be the same. If you want to check this thing, just collect past 10 years board exam question papers and mark those question which has repeated. You will found some question which has been asked repeatedly in board examination.

And if you will have a practice of those question, you will score good marks in board exam and this is one of the best exam preparation tips. For the reason that if you will ask your seniors and teachers about study tips for exams, they will suggest you solve past question papers of board exams.

3. Revision is must

There is another proverb that “right practice makes a man perfect”. Once you complete your respective board syllabus, you need to revise it as much as possible. This will make you perfect and easy to resolve questions in board examination. At least one-time revision of entire syllabus is most important.

Thus, try to complete your syllabus before the board exam as soon as possible and then start the process of revision. This time you need to understand the question carefully and try to resolve it yourself. If you want to know how to score good marks in maths, revision is one of the best tricks. Mathematics is among those subjects which need regular practice and understanding.

2. Complete your syllabus

Your first job should be complete your respective board syllabus if you want to do the best preparation for the board exam. Your basic should be clear as per the syllabus so that you can cover advance questions later. The sample papers and other things are secondary, the primary step should be to complete your syllabus.

The completion of syllabus is must because 85% of questions come from the syllabus in the board examination. For the reason that you should have complete preparation of board syllabus in order to score good marks in board exam. If you will finish your syllabus properly, no one can stop you to score more than 90% marks in 10th and 12th board exam.

1. Make a Time Table

To execute anything, planning is the most important. If you will not plan properly there will be a failure in the execution. The same thing applies to our studies. In the study, the time table is must and most important. From day one of 10th and 12th class, you should have your study time table.

You have to give proper time to all subjects so that you will complete your board syllabus within a certain time. And the time table will change as per board examination. If you want to score good marks in the board exam, you should have a perfect study schedule. This is one of the most important board exam tips to get good marks in the exam.

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