Top 10 Precautions against Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

What precautions you can take against (COVID-19)? Check out this list of top 10 precautions against Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Coronaviruses are now one of the big headaches for people and it affected most of the countries in this world. Till now there is no such vaccine invented for this virus and that’s the reason it’s spreading ruthlessly. Though coronavirus is not that much dangerous than the disease like SARS and MERS still if you will take it easy then it can be dangerous for you. If you will mark the mortality rate of this novel coronavirus all over the world then it’s just 3.4% but it’s widespread and comes to lime lite enormously. Now, most of people worried about this virus but many of them don’t know about the precautions against this virus.

As like our post about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Symptoms, Causes, Prevention & Treatment, this time we are come up with the post top 10 legit precautions against COVID-19. Before that, let’s discuss where it outbreak and some of the important things regarding novel coronavirus.

Top 10 Precautions against Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Where did the COVID-19 outbreak begin?

The virus COVID-19 is originated from the wet market of Wuhan, China and currently affected people of almost 77 other countries. The official name of coronavirus is SARS-COV-2. Till now there is no proper treatment for this virus. Health experts are trying to resolve this issue and researching more on this virus so that they can prepare a vaccine for affected people.

Now it’s time to discuss the top 10 precautions against coronavirus disease suggested by the specialists.

Top 10 Precautions against Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

10. Stay calm is a basic precaution against coronavirus

One of the basic precautions against coronavirus is to keep your mindset and thinking positive. Rather than physical care, it’s always important to keep your mental condition good. If you think negative regarding corona then your body will respond negatively so always stay positive and with great mental state.

Never take stress because stress level always decreases the immunity system. Don’t be panic, think positive and last but not the least keep your nerves super calm.

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9. Stay home if you are sick

If you are feeling sick for whatever reason that means your immunity system is weak during that time. So in such a situation never go outside because in such a condition there is always a high possibility of coronavirus transmission inside you because of the low immunity system of your body. So just stay at home whenever you feel low or seek.

8. Never share common household items

Another one of the important precautions against coronavirus is not to share your things with anyone. Especially, never ever share common household items like dishes, drinking glasses, towels, cups, and bedding with your family members for safety reasons. If a patient uses these items then wash them thoroughly so that the infection rate will not increase further.

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7. Use Alcohol-based sanitizer

Sanitizer is one of the most common precautions against COVID-19 that suggested by specialists worldwide. Alcohol-based hand rubs or sanitizers are very much effective for coronavirus. Though sanitizers are not 100% germ killers it’s effective if there is no soap available. Overall you can say it’s always better to carry a hand sanitizer with you so that you can frequently use it whenever you feel your hand is dirty.

Hand sanitizer is best for public place use as you need not use it with water. Just directly apply hand sanitizer and maintain proper hygiene of your hand. Go for good quality hand sanitizer which at least contains 60 to 90% alcohol for the best result.

6. Seek medical care early

If for any reason you are marking symptoms like fever, dry cough and berating difficulty then never neglect it just visit a doctor and go for a checkup. Remember normal cough or sneeze is not just for coronavirus that can be a common cold or flu so don’t be panic just test whether you are corona affected or not for a clear result.

Just consult your doctor and take the best suggestion and medication from them. Don’t just use any random medicines with your own prediction because it can be dangerous for you.

5. Disinfect your home 

When it comes to home it’s very important to disinfect it. Try to disinfect your regularly used gadgets. Make sure to wash your towels and bedsheets properly. Normally we frequently touch keyboard, laptop, phones, tablets, bathroom fixtures, and doorknobs. It’s important to wipe down these things frequently and properly. If you can keep your house tidy then this will work as the top preventions against coronavirus for you.

4. Boost your immune system to stay strong against COVID-19

Medical science says if you have a strong immune system then you have very little chance to affect by this coronavirus. That’s the reason most of the old people are dying with this virus attack all over the country. So take care of your health and maintain a healthy diet with exercise to stay fit. Just avoid bad habits like smoking and taking alcohol. Take adequate sleep and take some fresh air and sit under morning sunlight regularly.

3. Use facemask to avoid coronavirus

Another one of the most common precautions against COVID-19 suggested by specialists worldwide is to use a facemask. If you are staying in a location where COVID-19 cases are reported then it’s important for you to use facemask even if you are stepping outside for a short walk for emergency work. Facemask normally blocks germs and infections which contains air. Mostly whenever you are going to the crowded area you need to use a good quality facemask for your protection from COVID-19.

2. Lockdown yourself at home to stay away from COVID-19

Maintain distance from people and society is another great precaution you can take against coronavirus (COVID-19). Just lockdown yourself inside your home. By doing this you will never be infected by the virus as you are not in contact with outside people so the germ can’t pass through them to your body.

As this virus is spreading with contact lockdown is another great way to avoid it and many countries are also applying this method to slow down the effect of this virus. So try to stay in the home if there is no such emergency situation for you.

1. Wash your hand frequently to fight against coronavirus

This is the very first and most effective precaution you can take against coronavirus (COVID-19). You need to maintain good hygiene of your body and surrounding. Just frequently wash your hand with soap at least for 20 seconds with normal or warm water to avoid coronaviruses diseases. Whenever you think that your hand is dirty just wash it properly and don’t touch your nose or eyes with dirty hands.

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