Top 10 Countries with Highest Suicide Rate in the World

Which countries have the highest suicide rate worldwide? Check out this list of top 10 countries with the highest suicide rate in the world.

Suicidal death is one of the worst death of anyone and you can’t believe that the rate of suicide is increasing continuously which is quite pathetic. According to the report of world health organization in every 20s, somebody committed suicide in this world.

Research says that most of the people commit suicide due to mental pressure, financial hardship, abuse, psychological illness, and sexual harassment. So, the question is which countries have the highest suicide rate in the world.

Like our last post, the top 10 countries with the highest rape cases, this time we are come up with the world’s most suicidal countries by the list of top 10 countries with the highest suicide rate in the world with details. This suicide rate is held per 100 000 population sourced by the WHO region/country. So let’s have a look and tell us your opinion in the comment section.

Top 10 Countries with Highest Suicide Rate in the World

Top 10 Countries with Highest Suicide Rate in the World

10. Lesotho

According to the WHO report, the total suicidal rate is 21.2 per 100k population out of which 17.8 male suicide rates and 24.4 female suicide rates. Meanwhile, female suicidal cases are more as compared to males in Lesotho. The main cause of suicide is nothing but depression, torture, and sexual harassment. which is always a sad part of Nepal. That’s why Nepal is one of the top countries with the highest suicide rate.

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9. Latvia

Because of social problems, many men and women committed suicide in this country. Most of the suicide cases are done by the male and it’s only for high-stress levels. According to the WHO suicidal reports, Latvia is the 9th most suicidal countries in the world. It has a total of 22.2 suicidal rates per 100k population that makes it among the top 10 countries with the highest suicide rates.

8. Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the most suicidal countries in the world. The total suicide rate is 22.4 per 100k population out of which 41.1 male suicidal rates while 6.3 female suicidal rates.

Most of the people just can’t handle the poverty situations and give up their life. Another cause of suicide is a rape case, even it does not happen always but in some cases, the victim can’t handle the traumas and go for suicide. Every year, many people attempt suicide in this country which is a sad part of Ukraine.

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7. Kazakhstan

This town is known as a ghost town because of its high suicidal cases. According to the WHO suicidal report, Kazakhstan has 22.5 suicidal rates per 100k people followed by 38.3 male suicidal rates and 7.6 female suicidal rates. There is another report that, in this country eighty-six suicidal cases are found within the last five months which is just unbelievable. All the suicidal cases were under the age of 18 or teenagers. But what should be the reason for these high rates of teenage suicidal cases? Yes, feeling like they are the failure, mental depression, feeling like alone and problems in schools are the main cause behind this high suicide rate of the teenagers in this town.

6. Suriname

Suriname is a country where you find many suicidal cases and all these cases happens due to unmarried, raped acid attacks and dismembered. It has 22.8 suicidal cases per 100k population among which 34.7 cases found of males and 10.9 cases are of females. Many ladies also face other tortuous things from bad people and can’t handle the depression and try to commit suicide which is very sad.

5. Belarus

According to research, 25k people of Belarus killed themselves per year. It has a 26.2 suicidal rate per 100k population out of which 46.9 cases are of male and 8.2 cases are of females. With such a high rate of suicide, Belarus comes at 5th place among the top 10 countries with the highest suicide cases.

The main cause behind these suicidal cases is the lack of money and fewer job opportunities. Most of the people in this area think that without a good job they can’t live in this society and go for suicide. Financial depression is always the main cause of this problem and if this will not stop then the whole community will one day wipe out within some years in the future.

4. South Korea

Most of the people of South Korea are quite smart, intelligent and belongs to high profile but you can find many suicidal cases every year in this country. As per the WHO report, there is a 26.9 suicide rate per 100k population among which 38.4 cases are of males while 15.4 cases of females in South Korea. Such a high suicidal rate makes South Korea among the top 10 countries with the highest suicide cases.

The main reason behind it that people can’t handle the work stress and just try to suicide. From an educated person, you can’t expect such a baseless act but in real life, everyday suicides happen in South Korea which is quite unbelievable.

3. Guyana

Guyana is the 3rd most suicidal country in the world as per WHO data. This is a place where you can find the 31 suicidal cases per 100k people among which 55.9 is the male suicide while 9.4 is the female suicide rate. The reasons behind this are mostly disease, illness, unemployment, and rape cases. It’s quite heartbreaking but you can find suicidal cases in this country every day which is quite strange. Day by day the rates of suicide cases are increasing because of acts of witchcraft.

2. Russia

According to the report, last year around 45k people of Japan committed suicide. It has 31 suicides per 100k out of which 55.9 are male suicidal cases while 9.4 are female suicidal cases. The main reasons for these suicides are the economic crisis and lots of depression on people. The high population is also the main reason behind suicides. This country comes in 2nd position among the top 10 most suicidal countries. It’s true that suicide is not the solution to all these problems but people need to understand this point and have to stay strong.

1. Lithuania

According to WHO, Lithuania has the highest suicide rate in the world. As per data, it has a 31.9 suicidal rate per 100k among which 58.1 is the male suicide while 9.5 is the female suicide rate. Some of the major reasons behind this problem are nothing but alcohol abuse, drugs, etc. You can find several people who take drugs and alcohol in their body and always give up their life which is quite strange.

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