Top 10 Safest Countries in the World 2022

Do you want to know which are the world’s happiest & safest countries? If yes, check out these top 10 safest countries in the world of 2022.

We all know there’re so many beautiful places to visit in the world but not all of them are safe. As a tourist, one thing always arises in mind the country you are going to travel is safe or not? How you will know which country is safe to travel to?

Don’t worry, we are here with the best solution.

Every year Global Peace Index updates a list of safest countries in the world which is based on several parameters like violence, crime, natural disasters, and wars. If you want to know which are the top 10 safest countries in the world then you are in the perfect place. Here we at Top 10 About going to list out ten safest countries in the world 2022 with some facts and details.

Top 10 safest countries in the world

Top 10 safest countries in the world 2022

  1. Switzerland

Switzerland is a top tourist destination and there so many best places to visit in Switzerland to enjoy peacefully and thoroughly. With a 1.375 global peace index score Switzerland successfully listed at the 10th spot in the list of top 10 safest countries in the world. Switzerland is a country which is excelling in several fields like business, better lifestyle, better economy and study. You will not find frequent violence and crime in this country. There are no such borderline issues of this country and very rich in culture.

If you are planning for a trip to one of the safest countries in the world then no doubt Switzerland is among the top choices. for you where you can enjoy your trip alone.

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  1. Japan

This year Japan ranked 9th position with a 1.369 score which is one ranking ahead of the previous ranking. According to the Global Peace Index, the fewer homicides, limited weapons access, and imports helped a lot to Japan to achieve a successful position in the peace index. Not only in safety but this country is also always taken care of travelers and provides all kinds of facilities like high-speed transportation. That’s why Japan is among the top safest countries for tourists in the world in 2022.

Besides that, currently, Japan is also working on a mission of invisible trains which will definitely attract more numbers of travelers worlds wide by 2020-2021. So why it is more than interesting and exciting to visit Japan for tourists.

  1. Slovenia

Another safe country with a score of 1.355 Global Peace Index is nothing but Slovenia. This makes Slovenia country successfully hold 8th spot in the list of world’s safest countries. This is a small country which is situated on the border of Western Europe but a safe country for sure. You will find more than 2 million people in this country. There is no such violation, heinous crimes, border issues, and war trade in this country. That’s the reason this country rose almost 2 positions in the global index ranking as compared to its previous year ranking which is a great sign. 

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  1. Singapore

In 2017, Singapore was in the worst position in terms of the safest country in the world but surprisingly now this country is in the 7th position with a 1.347 GPI score which is definitely a great achievement of the Singapore government.

Singapore has the very lowest international as well as domestic conflict. Social safety is the prime focus of the Singapore government which is a great thing for people and tourists.

Singapore is a beautiful safe country where you can enjoy amazing museums and other popular tourist spots. So, what are you waiting for? just plan for a Singapore trip and enjoy your vacation safely and peacefully.

  1. Canada

Canada is the largest country among its all neighbors still it has a good relationship with its neighbor. It is known as one of the most diverse cities and people in this country are very friendly. And no doubt, there are lots of amazing and best places to visit in Canada for the tourists.

Besides that, Canada has a strong military academy and they always focus on several operations to stop any kind of illegal and violent work. With a 1.327 score, Canada successfully achieved 6th position in the list of the safest countries in the world in 2022. Its ranking is quite high than the United States which is just unbelievable. This is one of the friendliest countries ever you can visit alone.

  1. Denmark

According to the Global Peace Index, Denmark comes on the 5th spot in the list of the world’s safest countries. It successfully achieved a 1.316 GPI score which is quite impressive. Another interesting thing is Denmark is also ranked among the happiest countries in the world. Besides that, Denmark is also one of the top 10 sex-free countries in the world. Rather than a minor conflict with Canada, you will not find serious issues with Denmark. This is a beautiful country and one of the safest so you can plan a trip to Denmark on your next vacation alone without any hesitation.

  1. Austria

Austria is among the top tourist destinations around the world. You can find so many best places to visit in Austria as a tourist. With a 1.291 GPI score, Austria successfully holds the 4th position in the list of safest countries in the world. Austria is a good neighbor of both Germany and the Czech Republic and both of these countries are also high in ratings which is a good thing. You will see very low weapon imports and conjugative peaceful elections in Austria which make this country successful to achieve such a high point regarding the safest country in the world.

  1. Portugal

According to “Conde Nast” the famous traveler in 2016 Lisbon is the most devalued city in Europe. According to the Global Peace Index Portugal, is very affordable, beautiful, happiest and one of the safest countries in the world with a score of 1.274. No doubt if you want to visit a beautiful and happiest country where you can get the utmost city then just travel to Portugal. That’s the reason most of the tourists love to visit this country more than ever before.

  1. New Zealand

We all know New Zealand is a beautiful country for travelers where you can enjoy several interesting tourist destinations and adventurous trips. You can enjoy some stunning beaches and beautiful places in New Zealand. No doubt, New Zealand is the happiest and safest country but not at the top. There are still a few internal conflicts and minor violence you will find that’s why New Zealand comes at the 2nd ranking with a 1.221 GPI score.

  1. Iceland

So this is the time to know which is the safest country in the world in 2022. Ice land is currently at the top ranking of the world’s safest countries with a GPI score of 1.072. For the past 10 years, Iceland has successfully held its position at the top which is a great thing.

You will find the lowest rate of crime, terror, and homicides in Iceland according to the survey. Besides that, there are also no border disputes which is another positive point of Ice land. This beautiful small island nation is one of the top tourist destinations in the world and you can travel and enjoy a beautiful trip here with full safety.

Final words

If you mark closely you will find most of the happiest and safest countries are small but developed. Most of the countries in the above list belong to Europe so it’s clear that Europe is the safest continent in this world.

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