Top 10 Ways to Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy

Do you want to know how to prevent unwanted pregnancy? If yes, check out this updated list of top 10 ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Being pregnant is undoubtedly a pleasant experience for most women. But there are always some exceptions, especially, when you are not expecting a baby right now. Thanks to modern medical science that it has been offering a lot of choices to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Truly speaking the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is not having sex at all. Didn’t like the idea? Ok, relax. There are ways to prevent pregnancy even after having an active sex life. There are many ways available to avoid pregnancy, but each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Besides, there are many myths about not getting pregnant after having unprotected sex, most of which are just ridiculous. Before we proceed to know the ways of preventing unwanted pregnancy, let us first know how to distinguish myths from facts.

A woman can get pregnant:- 

  • In mid of her period
  • In her first time sex
  • Even if she doesn’t have an orgasm
  • Without vaginal intercourse
  • Even if she urinates after sex
  • Despite the man’s pulling out of his penis before ejaculations
  • In spite of not having her first period

Top 10 Ways to Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy

If you have sex without any protection, there are still ways and means of birth control.  Some significant preventive measures to avoid unwanted pregnancy include the following methods.

See also– Top 10 Precautions and Tests During Pregnancy


Top 10 Ways to Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy

10. Oral contraceptive pill

Around the world, an oral contraceptive pill is the most popular and effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancies. The chance of your getting pregnant after taking an oral contraceptive is one in a hundred. Which means oral contraceptives are 99% effective.

Most oral contraceptives have estrogen and progestogen, the two hormones that prevent women from ovulation or releasing the fertile egg each month. It is said that oral contraceptives also protect women from ovarian and womb cancer and many pelvic infections. It is also helpful in reducing bleeding, period pain, and pre-menstrual complexities.

Oral contraceptives are suitable for women of any age group up to menopause, in particular for those who lead a healthy life and do not smoke.

However, in extremely rare cases it may cause serious side effects like blood clots known as Thrombosis, cervical cancer, and breast cancer. Some women also complain about suffering from a severe headache and migraine which they believe as a consequence of regular consumption of contraceptives.

9. Progesterone only pill

As the name suggests progesterone-only pill contains the progesterone hormone which keeps the sperm away and doesn’t allow them to enter the womb or make it difficult for the womb to accept a fertilized egg. Thus, it successfully prevents unwanted pregnancy. For the best result, Progesterone pills need to be taken each day at the same time.

For women who are breastfeeding, doctors often suggest progesterone-only pills. It is also useful for women in their thirties or forties.

See also– Top 10 Homemade Pregnancy Tests that say you are Pregnant or Not

8. Contraceptive injection

Contraceptives are also available in the form of injections. Contraceptive injections release the progestogen hormone into the body at a regulated speed. It works by stopping the process of ovulation of women and so prevent unwanted pregnancy.

If taking a pill every day is not your type, then this injection is for you. For those who are often forgetful about their medicine timing, this method is especially helpful. Because the effects of contraception last as long as three months or twelve weeks. It also offers protection against some pelvic inflammatory disease.

However there are some drawbacks of contraceptive injections, as many women suffer from an irregular period, and in cases, it takes a year or more to get back monthly menstruation cycle and fertility. Gaining some extra weight after taking the injection is also a common complaint against this contraceptive measure.

7. Implants

Another popular way of preventing pregnancy has an implant. In this method, a small and flexible tube is implanted under the skin of the upper arm. Once implanted, the tube releases progestogen hormone slowly into the vein to stop releasing an egg and meeting the sperm.

Some tubes that are implanted in the body last for three to five years. A woman gets back to her normal fertility as soon as the tubes are removed.

Like all other preventive measures, implants have their disadvantages. A woman may suffer temporary headaches, tenderness in the breast, and some emotional complications, like the sudden change of mood. Some women also gain weight and have an irregular period.

6. Infertility cycle

This is a more natural way of avoiding pregnancy. In this method, the menstrual period of a woman is closely observed and noted to identify the fertile and infertile period of her menstrual cycle. There are some fertility indicators that help to identify the fertile and infertile time.

Couples are suggested to have sexual intercourse when they are in the infertile period. They are also advised to avoid lovemaking during the fertile period or if necessary to use a condom or emergency contraceptives.

Of course, there have been no statistics of any side effects of this natural method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. However, this method is effective for almost 98 women in a hundred, which indicates a high reliability of this method.

5. Condom

The male condom is very popular among young couples as a means of protective sex and preventing unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are made of very flexible latex and worn over an erect penis that prevents male sperm from the vagina.

Condoms not only help you avoid unintended pregnancy, but it also protects you from most sexually transmitted diseases. All over the world condom is prescribed by physicians and family planning authorities to help prevent STDs. In many developing countries condoms are distributed free of cost to control population growth.

4. Intrauterine Device

Another one of the best ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy is the implantation of IUD. Intrauterine Device or IUD is thin plastic and copper device that is implanted in the womb to stop sperms encountering the egg or settling of the egg into the womb. Once inserted an IUD can work as long as three to ten years. Thankfully you can remove it anytime you want. It sometimes has complained that it causes a heavy, long, and more painful period after having inserted an IUD.

3. Permanent contraception Female (Tubectomy)

For married couples who have children and don’t want more or agreed on family planning, permanent contraception is more suitable. The permanent female sterilization known as tubectomy removes or blocks the Fallopian tubes not to let the egg travel through the Fallopian tube and meet the sperm. Thus, in this way, a female can stop any unwanted pregnancy possibility.

2. Permanent contraception Male (Vasectomy)

The permanent male contraception method, known as the vasectomy is very much effective having an unprecedented success rate of 1999 in 2000. As the name suggests in this process, the sperm carrying a tube of the male organ is removed. As a result, no sperm are present in the ejaculated semen. Meanwhile, the objective to prevent unwanted pregnancy becomes successfully fulfilled.

1. Emergency contraception

Had sex without having any of these? You still have ways to prevent pregnancy. There are emergency contraceptive pills available in every superstore or pharmacy near you. Take two emergency pills in 12 hours apart within 72 hours of unprotected sex, and you are 99% safe from having an unwanted pregnancy.

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