Top 10 Homemade Pregnancy Tests that say you are Pregnant or Not

Do you want to know how to do homemade pregnancy tests? If yes, check out these top 10 homemade pregnancy tests that say you are pregnant or not.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences in a woman’s life. With a single word “positive’’ everything around you changes dramatically and takes a positive turn. With this, a woman transforms into a mother, which changes the perspective to look around you all of a sudden.

Undoubtedly Pregnancy is the best gift that God has bestowed on womanhood. You will hardly find a woman who has never thought of being a mother at any point in her life.

For those who cherish the dream of being a mother, the most breathtaking and exciting period is that particular time when she wants to know whether she is pregnant or not.

During this time you would probably not leave a single stone unturned to check if you are pregnant. This is the time when you want to do a pregnancy test by any of instant pregnancy tester to confirm you are pregnant.

Top 10 Homemade Pregnancy Tests that say you are Pregnant or Not

Apart from many medical procedures available at super shops, there are some amazing homemade pregnancy tests that can blow your mind without costing a penny.

Can’t wait to know the proceedings? Well, we can guarantee you will find the top 10 magic tricks of homemade pregnancy tests right here in this article.

Top 10 Homemade Pregnancy Tests that say you are Pregnant or Not

Before we proceed it’s important that you know – when to take the pregnancy tests?

Most commonly the best time to take a pregnancy test is the first day of your missed period. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, you should not find it hard. Having an irregular period and not sure about the date? Take the test three weeks after you had unprotected sex.

The presence of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, popularly known as the hCG hormone in the urine confirms a pregnancy. To help create the Placenta, your body generates enough hCG during pregnancy. Thus most homemade Pregnancy tests confirm pregnancy by checking the hCG level in the urine. Also, there are many physical signs apart from the hCG level that indicates that you are pregnant.

Now that you know when to take a pregnancy test and what exactly the tests measure why wait to know the procedures? Let’s start…

10. Homemade Pregnancy Test with Sugar

This is one of the most practiced and reliable ways of testing pregnancy. This particular homemade pregnancy test was very popular in earlier days.

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. Sugar
  2. Urine

How to do this pregnancy test:

When you get up in the morning, collect your first urine in a cup. Take one tablespoon of sugar in a bowl. Pour a tablespoon of urine on the sugar. Wait for some time and carefully observe the reaction of the sugar in the bowl. Have you found the sugar dissolving in the urine? Sorry! You are not pregnant. Better luck next time!

No? What?? Has the sugar clumped up in the urine? WOW! Congrats. The test is positive you are Pregnant.

9. Homemade pregnancy test with Toothpaste

Who doesn’t have toothpaste in your home? The next homemade pregnancy test uses toothpaste to give you good news. Within a few minutes, a small amount of toothpaste can really take your excitement to another level.

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. Plain toothpaste
  2. Urine

How to do this pregnancy test:

In a small bowl take a little amount of plain toothpaste, pour some urine into it. If the toothpaste becomes frothy or turns into blue, then it indicates that you are pregnant. However, in cases, toothpaste may become frothy even after coming in contact with the urine of a woman who is not pregnant. That is why this test result should not be taken as final.

8. Vinegar to test your pregnancy

Vinegar is one of the most common ingredients in the kitchen which can be used in a homemade pregnancy test.

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. White Vinegar
  2. Urine

How to do this pregnancy test:

Take half a cup of white vinegar in a transparent bowl. Add the urine to the vinegar. Is there any change in the color of the mixture? If yes then the result is positive. If there is no visible change in the color of the mixture, then you are not pregnant.

7. Detect Pregnancy with Mustard Powder

Have you ever imagined that mustard powder could also help you check your pregnancy status? If you are missing a regular period, then try this method to check if you are pregnant.

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. One bowl of mustard powder.
  2. A bathtub full of hot water

How to do this pregnancy test:

Fill a bathtub with hot water. Pour a bowl of mustard powder in hot water. With your hand stir it well. Finally, soak yourself in the bathtub for 40 minutes. If you do not get your period back with two days, then you may be sure of your pregnancy.

6. Homemade Pregnancy test with Bleach

Another reliable homemade pregnancy test method is the one with the bleach. In a fairly short span, you can find your answer with the help of bleach pregnancy test.

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. Bleach
  2. Urine

How to do this pregnancy test:

Take one cup of bleach. Add enough fresh urine to the cup. Mix it well. Wait for ten minutes. Can you notice foaming on the blend? Congrats! You have every reason to be happy.

5. Tuna Juice and Vinegar Pregnancy Test

Tuna Juice and Vinegar DIY pregnancy test can give you an almost accurate result like the pregnancy tester from a store.

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. Tuna Juice
  2. Vinegar
  3. Urine

How to do this pregnancy test:

In a bowl mix half cup of tuna juice and another half cup of vinegar. Then add a half cup of your urine into the bowl. Wait for 7-8 minutes. If the color changes to a yellowish shade, then it indicates a negative result. If the mixture attains a greenish color, it is the time for celebration. This is the best homemade pregnancy tests.

4. Pregnancy test with Baking soda

Baking soda can give you around seventy to eighty percent accurate result about pregnancy. Before going to your doctor, you can do this at home.

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. Baking soda
  2. Urine

How to do this pregnancy test:

In a clean bowl take the baking soda, add the urine and wait for few minutes. If there are fizzles like you often see while opening a coke then you can open another bottle of celebration too. Because it’s positive.

3. Dandelion leaves to test pregnancy

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. Dandelion leaves
  2. Urine

How to do this pregnancy test:

Immerse 3-4 Dandelion leaves into half a bowl of urine. Wait for a few minutes. Check if there are any red bumps on the leaves. If yes, then it’s a big yes. You are pregnant.

2. Pine-Sol Pregnancy test

What you need for this pregnancy test:

  1. Pine-Sol
  2. Urine

How to do this pregnancy test:

In a bowl mix urine and pine sol together. Your pregnancy is confirmed by the change of color. If the color does not change, then the result is negative.

1. Pregnancy test with nothing

Last but not least is the Pregnancy test only with your urine.

What you need for this pregnancy test:

Right after you wake up in the morning collect half a cup of urine into a flat-surfaced jar. Keep it away from sunlight and wait for 24 hours. If you can see a small layer on the urine, get ready to enjoy the motherhood!

Don’t underestimate these homemade pregnancy tests for their simplicity; you can depend on all these tests without any doubt.

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