Top 10 Tips for Getting an Internship during College

Searching for some best tips for finding an internship during college? If yes, follow this list of the top 10 tips for getting an internship during college.

Do you know that those students that have completed a paid internship have more chances to get a well-paid job after they graduate from college? According to the Center on Education and the Workforce (Georgetown University), 64% of those students that went through a paid internship get a job within the half-year after they graduate. Numbers for those who had an unpaid internship or didn’t undertake an internship are different: only 37% and 35% accordingly were lucky to get a job so fast. It’s obvious that graduates should do their best to find and get an internship (better several ones). If you are looking for an internship whether it is an abroad internship here are some tips for getting an internship during college years for the students.

Top 10 Tips For Getting an Internship During College Years

Top 10 Tips for getting an Internship during College 

10. Make your Career Goals Clear

One of the most important tips for getting an internship is to make your goals strong & clear before you go for an internship. If you are aware of your aspirations, you will be able to narrow your search and stay focused on what is really interesting for you. Once you do consistently work on your desired field & goals, the results come out. Get prepared yourself and make yourself an expert in your field, so that you will be able to make impress any company.

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9. Apply to Specific Companies

Once you know what your career goals are, make a list of the types of jobs and companies you are interested in. You can make the list as per abroad internship as well. A good idea is to be specific about the skills you want to develop. If it appears difficult, consult the career center in your college – they can tell about the interests of the students with the same major. Once your interest gets cleared, go for the internship with the relevant company.

8. Go for Positions Online

There are companies that provide online internships for local as well as abroad internships. This is a great choice if you lack the time and also don’t feel like going to an office. Check various internships platforms to find something that you can do online.

7. Use the Internet to Detect your Internship

Where to find internships? It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for an abroad internship or at home, the internet is the best source for both of them. Many platforms have information about positions in nonprofit and corporate sectors. Companies post special announcements for students trying to find those who have a certain academic level and particular interests.

6. Seek Help from Career Center in your College

They surely have useful information and can provide their recommendations. Besides, they know how to write a good cover letter and resume, the best custom essays. They will be glad to teach you about getting an internship and where to find an internship.

5. Ask People from your Surroundings

Your classmates, professors, teammates can be a valuable sources of information about where to get an internship. You can also contact your college alumni through LinkedIn and ask whether they can recommend something (you may even end up getting a great internship!). If you will ask known people surrounding you about where to find an internship, someone will surely guide you in the right direction.

4. Attend Career Fairs and Meet People from your Industry There

This is one of the best tips for getting an internship for the students. Put a good outfit on, grab your resume, and don’t be shy to approach companies there – they came to the fair to hire young people, remember? Find companies from the industries you are interested in and leave them your CV. Don’t forget to follow up the next day.

3. Apply as Early and as Often as You Can

Another most important tip of getting an internship is that don’t wait and don’t be late. At least half of your applications for summer internships will be rejected and you need to have time to find another company. Besides, big companies plan in advance, and in case you are the right candidate, you should become a part of that plan. A good idea is to start applying for summer positions in February or March, although note that some companies start the recruitment process even earlier.

2. Leave Time for an Internship

In case you find a great internship whether it is a home or abroad internship, you will need time for it. Try to arrange your schedule so that you have several free days a week. If this is not possible, try to have at least half a day free from Monday to Friday. Employers know that you must study but they will still appreciate if you can spend enough time on your job. Otherwise, they might prefer someone else who is more flexible and dedicated.

1. Continue Searching

Keep in mind that you are not the only student who wants to get an internship. Companies need time to review resumes and you will have to wait for their answer. However, keep searching till you get a positive answer from one of them. Plus, it would be awesome to choose in case more than one company wants to hire you for a couple of weeks.

Finding a good internship might be difficult since competition is high. However, you should not give up quickly. Search till you find. Sooner or later your efforts will be paid off. Good luck!

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