Top 10 Things to keep in mind while Flight Booking

Are you confused which things to keep in mind while Flight Booking? If yes, learn these Top 10 things to keep in mind while Flight Booking.

“I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane, Don’t Know When I’ll Be Back Again.”

These iconic lines are from the cult classic song ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ by Phil Collings.

Flying is a very popular option nowadays. This is because time is money, and people are always in a hurry nowadays. But not just that. People also choose to fly because of how luxurious, safe, and efficient it can be.

But traveling in flights is not as easy as it actually seems! There are a lot of mistakes people make while booking their flight tickets. Some things they may overlook or may consider insignificant. We will show you a variety of things that make your flight experience better.

There are few things to keep in mind while flight booking. So, we at Top 10 About going to share the top 10 things that flyers need to think before flight booking.

Top 10 Things to keep in mind while Flight Booking!

Top 10 Things to keep in mind while Flight Booking

10.  Research your Trip before Book a Flight

One of the most important things to consider while flight booking is research. First and foremost, users must research their trip. And research it thoroughly! This is the first step to taking a great vacation.

Flyers, before you book your tickets, take a good look at a variety of diverse aspects before you take off so to speak. Read up on different places, different destinations or locations you would want to travel to.

Research would also involve looking at different ways to get a reduced price of your ticket. Users will also need to examine the dates of their travels, the number of days, different places to stay and many more things!

And that is not all! There are several other things to consider as well, such as:

  • What is the local currency of the place you are traveling to? What is the exchange rate there? How much money should you carry with you?
  • Is the location of your hotel or homestay in a safe district?
  • What is the weather like this time of the year?
  • What are the emergency phone numbers for your destination?
  • Which language is spoken there and can you converse with them enough to get in and out of a place, or avoid trouble? Do you know basic phrases?
  • If you have any people with special needs, the elderly, or maybe a pregnant lady what are the precautions and measures you need to take beforehand?

These are just a few examples of what a user needs to research before book a flight ticket. But don’t need to worry, there are several online sites that also help users with this research. Some of these mega trip advisor sites are MakeMyTrip, Trivago, Goibibo and many more. These sites even have special deals for incredible discount rates and cash backs. Besides that, there are lots of best travel apps that make traveling easier that you can also try out.

9.  Book your Tickets Wisely – Travel Agent VS Online Booking!

Next thing a flyer need to consider before booking a flight ticket is to book travel tickets wisely and smartly! Booking your flight tickets in an intelligent manner can give users a very nice flight experience, such as good timing flights, nice service, good seats, and many more things. But the biggest advantage of this is, you can get amazing flights for the cheapest of rates!

There are two ways users can book airline tickets: through an agent, or through online trip planning sites. We would personally recommend you choose to plan your trip through a certified online web site such as Make My Trip, Clear Trip or any such web stores.

This because it is imperative for users to book tickets through a verified source and these web sites have helped millions of customers worldwide! And there is no large commission fee charged as well, as would be the case with an agent.

The Advantages of Online Flight Booking:

  • Convenience

Users can book from any place, at any time and anywhere! They don’t even need to leave the comfort of their homes.

  • Prices

Users now have the freedom and the luxury to scour around for the best prices on multiple web sites. There are even offers like MakeMyTrip daily offers where you get amazing discounts per day.

  • Early Check-In

Flyers can save so much time with early check-in as they will be able to skip standing in the long tedious lines at the airport and go straight to baggage deposit!

  • Changes and Cancellation

A user wanting to change, amend or cancel their flight ticket can do it very easily without any penalty charges in most cases.

Users who want to get the cheapest tickets can also use the following tricks:

  • Search flight tickets in incognito mode or clear cookies each time.
  • Identify the cheapest day to fly out.
  • Pick a budget airline if the journey isn’t too long.

See also– Top 10 Best Things to do in Traveling for Time Pass

8.  Make Plans and an Itinerary before Travel

Before you set off, it is important to get a concrete plan of action in place. Travelers need to have a plan in place to follow or else your trip will fall apart. You need to get your dates sorted, your days scheduled and your activities all planned.

Some things that travelers can do while making an itinerary or a plan are:

  • Users can take a look at guidebooks, different websites and travel journals to learn more about their destination and figure out some cool tourist destinations.
  • Plan their days well in advance so that they can visit all the spots without missing anything out or having to hurry at the end.
  • Create a planned schedule of activities to do.
  • The Hotel concierge can be a very good source of information once you are there as they can help you visit some lesser known tourist spots as well, especially if you want to take in the local culture.

7. Select your Flight Carrier with Care

Another important thing to keep in mind while Flight Booking is choosing the right flight itself! This may sound like an easy task, but it is something a lot of people tend to overlook.

Some things to remember before you choose your flight are

  • Check multiple airlines for the cheapest fares.
  • Check different dates for the best rates.
  • Checking the amount of baggage that you can carry (even whether check-in baggage is allowed or not should be taken into consideration).
  • The number of stops the flight has and the duration of the halt.
  • Book as early as possible- last-minute flights are always more expensive.
  • Clear cookies before booking your flights, or use the incognito mode- flight fares increase if you visit the same page repeatedly.
  • Flights during Holiday seasons will be more expensive than off season tickets.

These are some of the things that users need to keep in mind while choosing a flight carrier service. These can help save you money as well as save a carefree and safe comfortable trip!

6. Get Immunizations before you Travel

Traveling out of the country? Traveling to a place where you can contract a disease? Then get vaccinated today! It is true what they say- it is always better to be safe than sorry, and that applies to when you are traveling as well!

Getting your vaccinations before you take off is a very important step that all travelers must take, especially if you are traveling to a place where the chances of contracting a disease are high.

One very common example of getting immunizations is with the case of travelers visiting Africa. All those going there have to get their yellow fever injections.

Some important things to keep in mind before users leave for their vacation are

  • Know before you Go- it is always better to know what sort of diseases one might contract in your destination and so, prevention is better than cure. You can accordingly get your immunizations.
  • Users should find out beforehand where you can get these vaccinations done.
  • Customers should visit a travel clinic in their city
  • Travelers should also read up on different special needs aspects, such as:
    • Do you have a weak or altered immune system? (due to illnesses such as diabetes or HIV)
    • Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?
    • Are you traveling with a baby or child?
    • Do you have an elderly person with you?

For more information, you can check the UK National Health Services’ detailed information regarding the travel immunization that one might need while traveling abroad.

These are some of the preventive steps that travelers can take to avoid any unwanted event from occurring. Moreover, proof of immunization has also become a requirement for some countries. You need to show these before entering their country.

5. Check Travel Insurance before Flight Booking

While traveling, getting insured is a must. And this is for an assortment of different reasons. The biggest reason is, travel insurance gives you a sort of assurance that you will be able to afford medical care abroad if a disaster were to strike.

Getting medical attention while traveling can be really expensive. Without insurance, customers might have to cover their emergency expenses on your own and that too can become quite a hefty price tag. So to help you with this, there are many travel insurance companies in the world which provide this facility.

Travel insurance will cover things such as:

  • Lost or stolen items like a bag or mobile phone.
  • Emergency medical assistance.
  • The cost of canceling or cutting your trip short.
  • In some cases, even personal liabilities are covered as well,
  • It can even help if your passport is lost.

Travel insurance is a must in all cases and traveling without getting insured is a silly and highly unwise decision. That’s why a flyer should always keep this thing in mind while flight booking.

4. Know your Baggage and Carry on Allowance

Another very crucial step in your pre-trip planning routine is getting to know and understand your baggage and carry on allowances. Airlines have certain specifications about the bags they can carry as well as their weight. And that is not all. They have their own set of rules regarding their carry on luggage allowance as well! Travelers, before leaving should definitely check with their airlines before setting off.

One very important thing to keep in mind is that travelers should pack all their essentials in their hand baggage. This is because if you were to get lost, or the airlines lose your luggage, you would still be able to survive.

These essentials will include your passport, your ID proof, wallet, all tickets and travel documents, medications if you have any, your phone and maybe even your laptop if you are on a business trip. It is important to pack smart!

3. Dress Appropriately- Dress for Comfort and Convenience

One lesser thought of the aspect of traveling is the clothes you decide to wear while in transit. What users forget it is, dressing appropriately can greatly improve your travel experience. In the case of long haul flights, wearing a tight – fitting jeans, or a shirt may be a very bad idea! It can leave you uncomfortable and in a cranky mood. And so, for a better in-flight experience, dressing smart is vital!

  • On a Long Flight– Conditions in a plane like the air, the cabin pressure, his seating space, his traveling neighbor and limited space can be an enduring experience which can take a toll on the most avid traveler as well! That is why, on a long flight where something that may not be the most stylish but certainly is the most comfortable. A loose-fitting pair of tracks or sweat pants, a breezy t-shirt, maybe a hoodie, and open airy shoes are your best bet.
  • On a Short Flight– On a short flight, you can dress as impeccably as you wish. Short flights usually take less than 4 – 5 hours and you can manage to not feel suffocated in them or uncomfortable. You attire could be a buttoned-up shirt with may be a tie, long pants or trousers, an overcoat as well. A suit would be a nice attire to port as well!

2. Pack Smart for ease and comfortable

We are towards the end of the list of top 10 things to keep in mind while Flight booking. This segment will talk about packing smart. Packing smart is an important aspect of travel. Knowing what to take and what not to can be a very important thing to consider.

So, what are the basics that users need to pack while traveling?

The list is as follows:

  • Lightweight clothing Shirts
  • Sweaters or a fleece jacket
  • Rain jacket, windbreaker or umbrella
  • T-shirts and shirts
  • Pants and/or shorts
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Pajamas/sleepwear
  • Electric converters and adapters

1. Prepare for Airport Security

Last point on which things to keep in mind while flight booking is about airport security. Due to the increase in attacks over the past years, airports have increased their security tenfold! And for good reason now. Due to the numerous checks, flying has now become one of the safest modes of travel. But these long lines, intrusive officers, and your fellow grumpy flyers make Airport Security checks one of the less enjoyable aspects of travel. But there are ways to make this process smoother! The following list will encapsulate everything you need to know to prepare yourself for airport security:

  • Pack light and follow all the airport rules regarding size, weight, and dimensions.
  • Wear slip-on, especially if you are flying abroad because you will be made to take off your shoes for checking.
  • Pack liquids and gels in the right amounts- excess will be thrown away.
  • Pack your belongings in a neat and organized manner so that it is easy for airport security to open and check it. It will also ensure that they do not mess your things up.
  • Make sure you have your boarding pass, passport and other ID proof in hand. This will make the entire process very smooth and will not hold up the line as well.
  • Put all the items mentioned in the point above way safely in a hand back as soon as you have checked in. Your passport, your ticket, and ID proof are worth more than gold at an airport and if you happen to lose or misplace it, it could lead to a very sticky situation. Nobody wants that unwanted experience of answering airport security.
  • Carry enough local currency with you as well. You will most probably need it as soon as you land, either to hail a cab or grab a bite.

These were the top 10 things that everyone must keep in mind before to book a flight ticket. That is one of the last things that one must do when it comes to planning a vacation. Follow the list given above here, and we ensure that you will have a pleasant, convenient and splendid holiday without any hassle! And you are not alone in planning your trip.

There are online web stores as well like Make My Trip, Clear Trip, Goibibo and plenty more that can help make the process smooth and worry-free. And if that was not enough, these stores also have offers which will make your vacation not only better but cheaper as well!

So, don’t wait any longer! Plan your vacation TODAY!

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