Top 10 Most Powerful American People 2023

Do you want to know who are the powerful people in America? If yes, follow this list of the top 10 most powerful American people in 2023.

When the thing comes to powerful people of the world you can find most Americans on the list. America is full of billionaires, political leaders, powerful armies, CEOs, and highly influential people with huge wealth. America’s women are also not behind the man which can be seen in the list of most powerful women in America.

If you have an interest to know such 10 American personalities who are most dominant in the world, you are at the right place. We here at Top 10 About are going to shortlist the top 10 most powerful American people of 2023. These are the most powerful Americans selected from diverse professions such as Business, Politics, etc.

The post includes detailed information about the powerful people of America, so read the post and enjoy it. If you have any suggestions, you can share them in the comment section.

Top 10 Most Powerful American People 2023

10. Abigail Johnson

Abigail Johnson- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

Abigail Pierrepont Johnson is the most powerful and richest American woman ever. She was born on 19th December 1961 and she is a popular American businesswoman. Since 2014 she has been the chief executive officer and president of US investment firm FMR (Fidelity Investments). She is also recognized as one of the richest women in the world. Edward C. Johnson II the grandfather of Abigail was the founder of Fidelity. Now Fidelity has over 45k employees all over the world and Abigail’s wealth is almost 2,240 crores USD and is also known as the richest woman in the World.

9. Larry Page

Larry Page- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

Larry Edward Page comes at the 9th spot in the list of most powerful personalities in America. He was born on 26th March 1973. This computer scientist and popular internet entrepreneur is the co-founder of best ever search engine Google. He stepped out as the Google CEO in the year 2001 and work as the chief executive officer of Alphabet Inc. He is one of the rich and most powerful people in the world. His current net worth is 8,400 crores USD as of 2023.

8. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

Today everyone knows Mark Elliot Zuckerberg in every corner of the world. He is non-other than the co-founder of Facebook. Facebook was started on 4 February 2004 and today Mark Zuckerberg is one of the wealthiest and most powerful American personalities in the world. He was born on 14th May 1984 in White Plains, New Work. The total net worth of Mark Zuckerberg is 6,360 crores USD. Facebook is the main source of his income as it is the most popular social networking site nowadays all over the world. He is also an investor in the field of technology, the education sector. Besides that, he is running a charity too. Overall, he is one of the most inspirational personalities in the world for so many people. The K-12 school of Zuckerberg in Palo Alto helps many low-income families with their kid’s education.

7. Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

This is another powerful American who is very popular all over the world. People knew him as an expert investor, businessman, and speaker. He was born on 30th August 1930 and today the world knew him as the most successful investor in this world. The buffet is the chairman of the popular and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway since 1970. According to the report, he is the third wealthiest person in the world having a net worth of around 10,760 crores USD. He is also recognized as the wealthiest and greatest American personality.

6. Charles and David

Charles and David- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

Two American brothers Charles and David the owners of Koch Industries are among the most powerful Americans ever. They have a net worth of 8700 crores USD. The conglomerate is the most successful and second-largest American company which has own by these two brothers. This company has almost 1000,000 employees and it generates around 115 billion USD of sales in a year which shows it’s an amazing performance in terms of business. Koch Industry normally deals with petroleum products and great quality raw materials for clothing. They are also recognized among the wealthiest American families in 2023.

5. Bill Gates

Bill Gates- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

Who doesn’t know the name, Bill Gates? Yes, everyone! William Henry Gates III (Bill Gates). He is one of the richest men in the world, born on 28th October 1955. Today he is another powerful American personality in the world of 2023.

Bill Gates has the most popular American business image all over the world. He is a multi-talented personality having different skill sets like an investment, author, humanitarian, and philanthropist. He is the founder of the famous organization Microsoft Corporation. This 64-year-old man has a net worth of 10,690 crores USD. He and his wife Melinda is running the most famous and powerful charity in the world and help people a lot.       

4. Janet Yellen

Janet Yellen- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

Janet Louise Yellen is one of the most powerful American ladies ever. She was born on 13th August 1946. She is a great American economist who served as Chair of the Board Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 2014 to 2018. Before that, she worked as the Vice-chairman from 2010 to 2014. Overall you can say she is the economy handler of the US that’s why she is very powerful. She has many responsibilities and her ideas are just amazing in terms of economic growth.           

3. Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

Jeff Preston Bezos also known as Jeff Bezos is another technology entrepreneur and investor from the United States of America. He was born on 12th January 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Jeff Bezos is well famous among people like the chairman, founder chief executive officer of one of the leading online shopping portals Amazon. He graduated in 1986 from Princeton University in the field of computer science and electrical engineering. He has also Blue Origin which is a leading aerospace company that was founded in the year 2000. With 12,430 crores USD, he is now the world’s wealthiest person and most powerful person in America.

2. Elon Musk

Elon Musk- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

Elon Musk is the richest American on the planet with a net worth of 19,970 crores USD. He is the man behind billion-dollar companies like Space X, Tesla, Inc., and PayPal. He is also now the CEO of Twitter, Inc. Besides that, he truly influences the crypto market. Money is power, he is the perfect example of it. He can influence everything with his one Tweet only. A businessman with Global fame and millions of followers around the world. He deserves the 2nd spot among the top 10 most powerful American people in 2023.

1. Joe Biden

Joe Biden- Top 10 Most Powerful American People

The current President of America Joe Biden is the most powerful American people in 2023. He was born on 20 November 1942 in Scranton city of United States. Agreed that he has not high net worth like others on the list, but in terms of power and capability, he is definitely the top ranker. He is the 46th President of America and the chief of the largest armed force. Before president, he was serving as the 47th (2009 to 2017) vice president of the USA. The election for the US president and his victory rendered him one of the most popular people on google in 2020. No doubt, he is currently the most dominant American person.

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