Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

Are you one of them who worried on your skinny body and searching for some proper healthy diet foods for weight gaining? If yes, then you are at the right place. In this post Top 10 About going to describe 10 such best diet foods which will help you to gain mass and give you a better and healthy look. Most of the people worries for extra fat but do you know you can easily find several people who are worried for their less weight and it’s equally difficult to gain weight as weight loss. No matter you want to lose weight or gain you have to follow a healthy diet. A decent diet plan with proper food choice always can give you 70% of your fitness goal. Here we will choose 10 best diet foods for weight gaining so read the complete post and gain details knowledge which will be definitely helpful.

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

10. Rice

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

Rice is known as the staple food of India which is a low cost and high carbs food. Research says that 165 gram rich can give 43 grams of carbs and 1900 calories. This is a food which is easy to cook and good for skinny people. If you want to gain weight then take a little bit extra amount of rice on your regular diet and you will definitely get good result very soon. 

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9. Nuts butter

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

Nuts butter is best diet for weight gain purpose. It is rich in calories and proteins which are always good for health. Though you will get fat in Nuts butter but those fats are healthy. Nuts butter is good in taste and many people use this on their snacks like bread sandwich and other food items. So just add nuts butter on your diet and gain weight in a healthy way.

8. Red Meats

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

Fitness science says red meats are best diet foods for weight gaining of all time. Most of the body builders eat red meats on regular basis because these are rich in protein and amino acid. Muscle proteins are always necessary for weight gain and lean fat which is available in red meat. Red meats are good for skinny people who want to gain mass quickly.

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7. Starchy Foods

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

If you need foods that increase body weight then just try starchy foods and potatoes. These are high in calories and always help to gain weight. Foods like Oats, quinoa, squash, beans,, legumes are such foods which are full of calories and carb. Just try these foods and see the amazing effect of these foods on your health.

6. Oily Fish and Salmon

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

Are you looking for foods for increasing weight? If yes, then just use oily fish and salmon and put on mass easily. You can easily get sufficient amount of healthy fats and protein from salmon and oily fish. The most important thing omega 3 fatty acid is well available in salmon and oily fish. Omega 3 has many benefits like it fights with disease and research says that 170 gram of salmon offers almost 350 calories and 4 b grams of omega 3 acid which are good for health. Overall these are high source of protein which will definitely help you to muscle as well as weight gain.

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5. Dried fruits

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

Dried fruits are delicious and most of the fitness experts recommend eating dry foods. Why so? Yes, dry fruits are known as high calories healthy snacks in which you can find micro nutrients and antioxidants. These are always good for people who want to gain mass. If you are one of them who want to lose weight then you can avoid it because these dry fruits are high in sugar. You will get vitamins, fibers from dry fruits which are good for skinny people who want to put on mass.          

4. Dark Chocolate

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

If you never try Dark chocolate then just try it today. This can be a life changing food for skinny people as it increase the weight of the body. Good quality dark chocolate gives huge amount of antioxidants which are beneficial for your health. This is a food which is rich in calories and testy too. According to research 100 gram of good quality dark chocolate contains almost 600 calories. Not only calories you can also get fiber, magnesium and antioxidants from this amazing food.

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3. Cheese

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

Cheese is another great weight gaining foods ever you can add in your regular diet if you have skinny figure. This is also one of the best bodybuilding foods which every gym freak include in their diet chart. This is a staple food for many peoples and it contains high fats and calories which will help you in mass gain. If you can take it on large amount daily then it is a good source of protein too. Who doesn’t love cheese? Yes almost every one and it’s because of its deliciousness. You can add cheese almost every recipes and can add extra calories on your regular diet with help of it. So try it and experience the result.

2. Avocados

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

If you are in need of healthy fat foods for weight gaining then there is nothing better than Avocados. This is like other whole foods which contains calorie dense. A large Avocado of 200 grams offers almost 322 calories, 17 grams fiber and 29 gram of healthy fat. This is a food which is full of vitamins and plant compound and minerals which are good for human body. Just try Avocados on your meal like sand witch and egg omelets and see the positive result within few months.

1. Whole Eggs

Top 10 Best Diet Foods for Weight Gaining

Eggs are well known for its high protein ingredients. This is one of the best foods for mass gaining and muscle building. You will get protein as well a healthy fat from egg. It’s always good to eat whole egg on regular basis. Three whole eggs per day can give you amazing result towards your muscle as well as mass gain. Many of the fitness freaks and body builders consume eggs and this is one of the highly recommended diet foods for weight gaining.

These are some important and healthy foods you can add on your regular diet plan and you can get the amazing result within few months. Proper exercise with proper diet can make your healthy and keep your fit enough. If you have any question on these foods then feels free to ask under the comment section thank you.

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